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hye and hey , welcome to skin , something to say :)

June 13, 2012

about my choice :)

Assalamualaikum :) 

Fuh, lame betul x update blog ni kan. busy lah katekan.. (yeke?) haha :P 

so, what to story today? pasal MSU - The University of Choice..weee..haha..so camni ceritenye, ramai yg tanye, "skin, kau stret A kan, kenape still kat MSU?x nak pegi oversea ke?" lebih kurang camtu lah kan..so,selepas 6 bulan belajar kat u ni, sekarang aku memang betul2 tekad untuk stay kat sini,belajar medik lagi 5 tahun. so dalam 2017 nanti InsyaAllah im a graduated MBBS student from MSU..

so,the reasons why im staying here are :

1) im sponsored to study here by MARA. mula2 pilih UIA, dah g interview untuk UIA dah pun, then last minute baru orang tu cakap terpaksa tukar MSU..mula2 bapak lah sedih gila nak mati en..but then cam redho je..orang dah nak sponsor,so ikut je lahh..so,here i am..at MSU,seksyen 13,Shah Alam. (jemput2 lah datang :3)

2) sebab program yg MARA tawarkan ni..so, bagi yg belum tau, let me cerite sikit pasal program Skim Pelajar Cemerlang aka SPC ni.. dia adalah satu scholar untuk MRSM student yg malay, yang dapat result oke untuk trial MARA. yep, die tengok result trial. but depends on the course and university lah. ade tu like for example medic paling low kene dapat more than 3b+ kot..x ingat sangat..sori..tapi untuk UIA medic kene stret A.. untuk melayakkan untuk mohon.. (tapi sy x stret A mase tu..harap maklong T.T) k,pastu ade kene isi borang, hantar essay, ade ujian ape tah (tapi tahun kitorang xde) , ade interview, n lastly kalau dapat baru masuk u..time dy masuk tu adela dalam bulan 12 or 1.. so,bagi yg mohon program ni, cuti korang 1 bulan je while orang lain 6 bulan -,-" so enjoy puas2..oke :) So, for me, faktor yg membuatkan aku x nak keluar is aku dah masuk awal dari orang lain. so, nanti aku habis awal dari orang len.. then terus bole kawin.. *ups :P haha.. 
3) sikap pemalas :O hahahaa..betul doe..kalau yg betul2 kenal aku, memang dorang dah tau la kan yg aku ni sebenarnye sangatlah pemalas orangnye..Malas nak kene carik sponsor lain, nak g interview, prepare untuk interview, n adapt dengan new surrounding n all kan. haha.. so dah ade tempat, stay je.. x ya susa2 dah..yeaaayyy!!! :D
4) im happy the way i am now..dulu, all that i was thinking is just to study oversea. But now, not anymore. tahu sebab ape? sebabnye, everything yg aku nak sebenarnye dah ade kat sini dah. cume x penah terfikir je. the syllabus pun kat Malaysia is actually better than outside. n sekarang pun selalu gila homesick -,-" betul doe.. so bayangkan, kalau kat sini pun jarang2 boleh balik,tu pun dah meroyan..hahaha.. kalau oversea lagilah susah gila nak balik..x sanggup den..haha..

5) i have this very wonderful and fabulous batch that i believe is very9999 hard to find. batch kitorang ade dalam 50 orang. very united n sangat menyayangi each other. even kalau aku ade dapat tawaran g blaja kat lain, one of my reason for not going is because of this batch. truly, i love them so much.. but then, ade jugak beberape orang yg dah keluar.. they have their own reasons tapi still, theyre always in our heart. and because of this, i am truly convinced, insyaAllah, that my hard times during this 6 years of studying at MSU will be ease by all this marvellous people around me.

so, for the conclusion, dengan izin Allah, satu hari nanti saya akan bergelar jadi doktor. I wish you would all pray for my success dunia dan akhirat and will be a great doctor. thank you :)

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